
Sunday, 3 March 2013

Bramble's trip on the ferry!

Up on deck!
Today we took the dogs over with us to England. We are staying in a holiday cottage over here for a week. Bramble came with us inside the ferry and she did very well.

Initially she wasn't sure about the going up the steps but I took her to practice later on (with the help of some treats!) and she was happily marching up and down so when we walked out of the ferry she did them no bother!

We had some breakfast on the ferry and took her into the café. She settled down and slept whilst we ate. Afterwards we walked around and went to the shops and she was very well behaved.

Settling down inside the ferry
Then we went inside our cabin and she had a chew on her toys before settling down for a nap!

We decided to take her up onto deck when she woke up as it would be a good experience for her. So we did. She wasn't worried at all and took it in her stride! She did a busy busy too which meant we didn't have to worry about that happening inside the ferry!

She met lots of new people, they we're all stopping to ask about her (most of them thought she was a guide dog puppy, so we explained about autism assistance dogs) and she met all sorts of different people.

Bramble was excellent and it was easy to have her with us and she'll be doing it all again next week :  )

Check back later on in the week to find out what Bramble's been up to on her holidays!

Free Running on a beach in Wales!

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